
Stages of Hair Loss

Posted by JR on Jun 25th 2020

Hair loss can start with a few extra hairs in the sink or in your comb. Later, it can progress to a bare scalp. Baldness typically refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp and can be the result of heredity, certain medications or an underlying medical condition.

Anyone — men, women and children — can experience hair loss. 40 percent of women have visible hair loss by the time they are age 40, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Approximately 1 in 4 (42 million) women in the U.S. experience some form of hair loss. Most people normally shed about 100 hairs per day. But with about 100,000 hairs in the scalp, this amount of hair loss shouldn’t cause noticeable thinning. Gradual thinning is a normal part of aging.

However, hair loss may lead to baldness when:

1. the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth,

2. when new hair is thinner than the hair shed, or

3. when hair comes out in patches

The above chart shows the different stages of hair loss and helps determine which alternative hair solution is needed. During the beginning and mid/progressive stages of hair loss, you may not require a full hair system/ wig, and an addition piece or “topper” can successfully cover the noticeably thinning area(s).

Click HERE to view our Topper Chart and learn more about our different base dimensions and placement.

If you are experiencing hair loss for the first time, we recommend scheduling a consultation with a hair loss specialist in your area. They can help you identify your stage of hair loss and make personalized product recommendations.